Why choose a suspended ceiling?
If you are looking to finish a room but still need access to pipes, plumbing, ducts or electrical then a suspended ceiling is a great option. You maintain access to those components, but will give your room a clean, and contemporary look.
For the DYI, the real bonus is having an installation that is fairly straightforward, and doesn’t require a lot of extra tools or help. Drywalling is a time consuming process, and can be very unforgiving. However with a suspended ceiling mistakes can be corrected without too much difficulty or cost. If a leak appears in the overhead plumbing, a suspended ceiling can mean the difference between a costly, time-consuming repair job and a minor inconvenience.
Here are 4 reasons to consider a suspended ceiling as your next DYI project:
1-Easy & affordable DIY project – suspended ceilings are a cost-effective, easy to install solution for your new ceiling. Installing a suspended ceiling is straightforward, especially when compared with the cost of a full ceiling remodel.
2-Not just for basement ceilings -suspended ceilings are very adaptable and can be installed in different areas such as the kitchen, kid’s play area, home office, and extended living spaces.
3-Low mess installation -suspended ceilings do not generate a lot of dust or debris during installation. This means you may not need to empty your space prior to installation.
4- Improve Aesthetics - while a suspended ceiling decreases ceiling heights by a small amount, it is offset by the undeniable aesthetic improvements of a uniform ceiling full of lovely, suspended ceiling tiles.
Choose SnapClip system to complete your basement or replace an existing ceiling in your home. Snap Clip is a new and innovative suspended ceiling system. Its unique “snap & slide” clip system enables a fantastic solution, an easy yet attractive finish to any ceiling.
Sep 23, 2021 • Posted by Scott Ostrowski
How do the panels come out after its installed?